歡迎回到最新一期的本週 Spring 大事紀。本週是報名 SpringOne on the Road 在 倫敦、基輔 與 莫斯科 舉辦的活動的最後機會,請務必註冊。讓我們開始吧!
- Chris Richardson 關於 Java 開發人員的 NoSQL 選項 的線上研討會錄音已在 SpringSourceDev YouTube 頻道上提供。
- Shekhar Gulati 在 IBM 的 developerWorks 入口網站上繼續介紹 Spring Roo 的絕佳入門。最新一期介紹了 撰寫高階(與包裝器)Spring Roo 附加元件。
<LI> This article, which introduces how to use <a href = "http://java.dzone.com/articles/use-javafx2-spring">Spring to assemble JavaFX 2 components</a> is short and to the point. I'd probably use Spring's Java configuration option to fully exploit all the custom components, however. The nice thing about the approach outlined (over using FXML, directly, is that beans configured this way benefit from all the services that Spring provides, including dependency injection and AOP). Nice post, Andy! </LI>
<LI>Blogger <EM>Rob Gordon</EM> has a nice post introducing <a href ="http://rgordon.co…