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VMware offers training and certification to turbo-charge your progress. (VMware 提供培訓和認證,以加速您的進步。)
Learn more (了解更多)At long last I can finally say that SPR-1484 is resolved. Opened on 20 November 2005 with 121 votes, 63 watchers, and even its own anti-ticket this issue rates as one of the all time biggies. In the last 10 minutes I've uploaded the maven artifacts for Spring 1.2.9 to our local repo and you should be seeing them replicated onto the central maven repo in the next 6 hours or so. (經過漫長的等待,我終於可以說 SPR-1484 已經解決了。 這個問題於 2005 年 11 月 20 日提出,獲得了 121 票、63 位關注者,甚至還有自己的 反對票,堪稱有史以來最大的問題之一。 在過去的 10 分鐘裡,我已經將 Spring 1.2.9 的 Maven 構件上傳到我們的本地儲存庫,您應該會在接下來的 6 小時左右看到它們被複製到中央 Maven 儲存庫中。)
You will notice on the Spring JIRA issues such as SPR-2704, SPR-1383, and SPR-3198. What this means is that we're not done improving our builds and and we will continue to respond to the community. In fact, we've got some really cool new tools that I can't wait to show off in upcoming posts. (您會在 Spring JIRA 問題追蹤系統中看到諸如 SPR-2704、SPR-1383 和 SPR-3198 等問題。 這意味著我們尚未完成對建置的改進,並且我們將繼續回應社群。 事實上,我們有一些非常酷的新工具,我迫不及待地想在即將發布的文章中展示它們。)
So, now that SPR-1484 is officially resolved, please open any issues you have with the POMs in new issues and I'll keep an eye out for them. (所以,既然 SPR-1484 已經正式解決,請在新問題中提出您對 POM 的任何問題,我會密切關注它們。)