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了解更多在 Spring framework 中,許多技術特性都依賴 Proxy 的使用。我們將使用三個例子深入探討這個主題:交易 (Transactions)、快取 (Caching) 和 Java 配置 (Java Configuration)。
本部落格文章中顯示的所有程式碼範例都可以在 我的 github 帳戶上找到。
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
//Not specifying a transaction policy here!
public void create(Account account) {
由於 "create" 方法不具備交易能力,因此很可能會拋出例外 (因為不應該在交易之外持久化此 Account 物件)。
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
private EntityManager entityManager;
public void create(Account account) {
這是相應的 Spring 配置
<bean id="transactionManager">
<property name="entityManagerFactory" ref="entityManagerFactory" />
在 Spring 通用配置中,我們使用了 <tx:annotation-driven />。 這意味著所有 @Transactional 註釋都應該在啟動時掃描,並且目標方法應該具備交易能力。那麼交易行為發生在哪裡呢?
在啟動時,會建立一個新的類別,稱為 proxy。 這個類別負責添加交易行為,如下所示
生成的 Proxy 類別位於 AccountServiceImpl 之上。 它為其添加了交易行為 [1]。
那麼如何確定是否確實使用了 Proxy 呢? 為了您自己的理解,回到程式碼中並親眼目睹您確實正在使用 Proxy 是很有趣的。
AccountService accountService = (AccountService) applicationContext.getBean(AccountService.class);
String accountServiceClassName = accountService.getClass().getName();
INFO : transaction.TransactionProxyTest - $Proxy13
這個類別是一個 Dynamic Proxy,由 Spring 使用 JDK Reflection API 生成(更多資訊請參考 這裡)。
在關閉時(例如,當應用程式停止時),Proxy 類別將被銷毀,並且您將只在檔案系統上擁有 AccountService 和 AccountServiceImpl
@Controller public class AccountController { private AccountService accountService;
private void setAccountService(AccountService accountService) { this.accountService=accountService; }
//… }
<a href="http://blog.springsource.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/proxy-and-target1.png"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-11128" title="proxy-and-target" src="http://blog.springsource.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/proxy-and-target1.png" alt="" width="316" height="255" /></a>
The attribute accountService is of type AccountService (interface). The variable dependency is on the interface type AccountService, not the implementation type, which reduces the coupling between classes. This is a best practice.
As seen before, both AccountServiceImpl and the generated Proxy implement the interface AccountService.
• If there is a proxy, Spring injects the proxy
• If not, Spring injects the instance of type AccountServiceImpl.
<h3><a name="cache">Caching</a></h3>
Declarative caching is a new feature in Spring 3.1 that works like Spring’s declarative transaction support.
The @Cacheable annotation should be used in that way:
public class AccountServiceImpl implements AccountService {
@Cacheable(value="accounts", key="#id")
public Account findAccount (long id) {
// only enter method body if result is not in the cache already
您還應該在 Spring 配置中啟用快取,如下所示
<cache:annotation-driven />
accountService.findAccount (1); // Result stored into cache for key “1”
accountService.findAccount (1); // Result retrieved from cache. Target method not called.
accountService.findAccount (2); // Result stored into cache for key “2”
在運行時,使用 Proxy 來添加快取行為。
預設情況下,如果您的 Bean 沒有實作介面,Spring 會使用技術繼承:在啟動時,會建立一個新的類別。 它繼承自您的 Bean 類別,並在子方法中添加行為。
注意:本節需要一些 Spring 中 Java 配置的背景知識。 如果您不熟悉這種新的配置樣式,請隨時跳過它。
@Configuration public class JavaConfig {
@Bean public AccountService accountService() {
return new AccountServiceImpl((accountRepository()); } @Bean public AccountRepository accountRepository () { //… }
Spring calls the method accountService() every time it needs to wire an instance of the bean “accountService” and this one returns a “new” object of type AccountService. If 10 beans are using a dependency of type AccountService, this method is called 10 times.
However, no matters the Spring configuration has been made using Java Configuration or not, every bean should be a singleton by default. How is that possible and where is the magic happening?
This diagram explains how things work internally:
<div><a href="http://blog.springsource.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/java-config.png"><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-11131" title="java-config" src="http://blog.springsource.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/java-config.png" alt="" width="507" height="328" /></a></div>
So the Proxy is adding behavior there. In the case that your bean should be a singleton, the action to turn your Plain Old Java Object into a singleton is performed by a child class (Proxy).
We’ve seen some use-cases on how proxies are used inside the Spring framework. There are many other examples: Aspect Oriented Programming, Security (using Spring Security), thread safety, scopes, etc…
If you would like to know more on the impact on performance when using proxies, you can read <a href="http://blog.springsource.org/2007/07/19/debunking-myths-proxies-impact-performance/">Alef Arendsen’s blog entry here</a>.
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<div><a name="note">[1]</a>to be exact: the proxy class does not contain the transaction code internally. It delegates transaction handling to some classes that are part of the Spring framework. Spring will then handle transactions according to the Transaction Manager you have declared.