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VMware 提供培訓和認證,以加速您的進程。(VMware offers training and certification to turbo-charge your progress.)
了解更多 (Learn more)過去十年對我和我的 SpringSource 共同創辦人來說,是一段令人興奮且充滿挑戰的旅程,我對我們所培養的技術和社群感到非常自豪。 然而,總會有一個時候必須做出選擇關於你要去的地方,現在是我離開 VMware 並追求其他興趣的時候了。 我祝 VMware 和我的同事們持續成功,並且知道 Spring 將繼續蓬勃發展。(The last ten years has been an exciting and challenging journey for me and I’m very proud of the technology and community that my SpringSource cofounders and I fostered. However, there always comes a time to make a choice about the places you’ll go, and it’s time for me to leave VMware and pursue other interests. I wish VMware and my colleagues continued success, and know that Spring will continue to thrive.)
Spring 的創建是為了簡化企業級 Java 開發,並且成功地實現了這個目標。 Spring 社群持續成長,Spring 比以往任何時候都更廣泛採用,並且 Spring 已經成為企業級 Java 的主要程式設計模型。(Spring was created to simplify enterprise Java development, and has succeeded in that goal. The Spring community continues to grow, Spring is more widely adopted than ever and Spring has become the dominant programming model for enterprise Java.)
秉持著簡化的使命,Spring 已經發展到解決問題並與系統整合,遠遠超出最初的 Spring Framework 的範圍。 這種演變至今仍在持續,Spring 創建的技術處於企業開發的最前沿:Spring for Apache Hadoop 和 Spring Integration 協助解決大數據分散式處理問題;Spring Data 簡化了對 NoSQL 和分散式資料儲存的存取;Spring Social 和 Spring Mobile 讓開發人員可以建構關鍵服務來推動企業應用程式。 雖然 Spring Framework 開始於傳統單體企業級 Java 應用程式伺服器的鼎盛時期,但今天的世界截然不同:輕量級執行環境和雲端平台佔據主導地位,而 Spring 仍然是最佳的程式設計選擇。 Spring 團隊非常出色,將繼續站在企業開發的最前沿,包括解決企業大數據、多個用戶端平台崛起以及雲端運算的問題。(With its mission of simplification in mind, Spring has evolved to address problems and integrate with systems well beyond the scope of the original Spring Framework. That evolution continues today with Spring created technology at the forefront of enterprise development: Spring for Apache Hadoop and Spring Integration help with Big Data distributed processing problems; Spring Data simplifies access to NoSQL and distributed datastores; Spring Social and Spring Mobile let developers build the critical services to mobilize enterprise applications. While the Spring Framework started during the heyday of the traditional monolithic enterprise Java application server, today’s world is very different: dominated by lightweight runtimes and cloud platforms where Spring is still the best programming choice. The Spring team is amazing and will continue to stay at the forefront of enterprise development, including addressing the problems of enterprise Big Data, the rise of multiple client platforms and around cloud computing.)
Spring 將繼續由 Spring 專案負責人推動前進,在過去幾年中,你們都已經認識並信任他們。 他們的經驗、深厚的技術知識和創新思維將繼續引導 Spring 的發展。 我期待看到他們在未來十年內與他們的社群合作創造什麼。(Spring will continue to be driven forward by the Spring project leads, whom you’ve all come to know and trust over the past several years. Their experience, deep technical knowledge and innovative thinking will continue to guide Spring’s development. I look forward to seeing what they’ll create for the next decade, in partnership with their communities.)
社群是所有開放原始碼技術的核心。 非常感謝所有擁抱、倡導和貢獻 Spring,並幫助改善企業級 Java 格局的人。 沒有什麼比開放原始碼更能創造與有才華的人合作的機會,否則這些人永遠不會走到一起。(Community is central to all open source technologies. A profound thank you to all of you who embraced and advocated and contributed to Spring and helped change the landscape of enterprise Java for the better. There’s nothing like open source for creating opportunities to collaborate with talented folk who could never have come together otherwise.)
多年來,我在 SpringOne 和其他會議上認識了你們中的許多人,很高興能一起喝一杯,談論我們關心的技術。 您的支持和回饋幫助 Spring 在理念市場中獲勝,並使 Java 更令人愉快。(I’ve met many of you at SpringOne and other conferences over the years and it has always been great fun to share a drink and talk about the technology we care about. Your support and feedback has helped Spring win in the marketplace of ideas and made Java more enjoyable to work in.)
我為建立一家為許多國家的人們創造就業機會和機會,並為其社群和客戶提供價值的公司感到自豪。 隨著 SpringSource 在 Spring 之外擴展其技術組合,我們能夠將簡化的使命帶入執行環境和管理以及應用程式架構。 SpringSource 創建的 產品 和 技術 現在是 VMware 雲端策略的關鍵,並在許多客戶的 IT 基礎架構中發揮越來越重要的作用。(I’m proud to have built a company that created jobs and opportunity for people across many countries, and delivered value to its community and customers. As SpringSource built out its technology portfolio beyond Spring, we were able to bring that mission of simplification to runtime and management, as well as application architecture. The products and technology SpringSource created are now key to VMware’s cloud strategy, and play an increasingly important role in the IT infrastructure of many customers.)
我要感謝我的共同創辦人,他們分享了願景,並將他們生命的大部分時間投入到一起踏上這段旅程,忍受創業的風險和雲霄飛車般的體驗; 還有多年來加入的許多傑出員工。 與你們一起工作很棒,你們中的許多人已成為好朋友。(I want to thank my cofounders, who shared the vision and committed so much of their life to going on this journey together, enduring the risks and rollercoaster ride of a startup; and the many outstanding employees who joined over the years. It’s been great working with you, and many of you have become good friends.)
package org.springframework.beans.factory;
* @author Rod Johnson
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @since 13 April 2001
public interface BeanFactory {
個人方面很重要。 Spring 和 SpringSource 佔據了我生命中的 10 多年。 從 2001 年開發核心架構理念,2002 年出版Expert 1:1 J2EE Design and Development,2003 年創立 Spring Framework 開放原始碼專案,2004 年共同創立 SpringSource,2007 年籌集資金並搬遷到灣區,建立公司,2009 年與 VMware 聯手,並幫助我的團隊在更大的組織內取得成功,這是一段我從未想像過的狂野而引人入勝的旅程,當時我在 2001 年在倫敦的書房裡寫下了 BeanFactory 的第一行代碼。(The personal side is important. Spring and SpringSource has occupied more than 10 years of my life. From developing the core architectural ideas in 2001, publishing Expert 1:1 J2EE Design and Development in 2002, founding the Spring Framework open source project in 2003, cofounding SpringSource in 2004, raising funding and relocating to the Bay Area in 2007, building out the company, joining forces with VMware in 2009 and helping my group to succeed within a larger organization, it’s been a wild and engrossing ride that I could never have imagined when I wrote the first lines of BeanFactory code in my study in London in 2001.)
這些年來,我的角色發生了變化。 我很享受更多地參與技術的商業方面,並與一群偉大的投資者、高管和商業同事一起工作和學習。(Over those years, my role has changed. I’ve enjoyed becoming more involved in the business side of technology, and working with and learning from a great group of investors, executives and business colleagues.)
十年是一段很長的時間。 我已經準備好迎接一些不同的挑戰。 我將永遠是 Spring 社群的一份子,並將繼續貢獻想法。 就像任何幫助孩子長大的父母一樣,我為 Spring 將要去的新地方感到自豪和興奮。(Ten years is a long time. I’m ready for some different challenges. I’ll always be part of the Spring community, and will continue to contribute ideas. And like any parent that has helped raise a child to maturity, I am proud and excited to see the new places where Spring will go.)