To get started, we need to use the latest and greatest version of Java, Java 14, which isn't - just yet - released yet. It is due to be shipped in early 2020. You can download early access releases on You might also consider using SDKManager (sdk), which makes installing new JVM editions a trivial matter indeed.
Remember, there are new Java releases every 6 months. These new releases are usable in production but are only supported for the six months between one release and the next. Every now and then, the Java project also releases a long-term support (LTS) release. That release is currently Java 11. Java 14 is only a viable target for production until Java 15 comes out. And indeed, we're going to look at a lot of preview features…
嗨,Spring 的粉絲們!歡迎來到另一個 Spring Tips。在這一集中,我們將研究 Spring Security 的新 Kotlin DSL。我喜歡 Kotlin。我在其他幾個 Spring Tips 影片中介紹了 Kotlin:Kotlin 程式語言、Bootiful Kotlin Redux 和 Spring 對協程的支援。其中一些影片非常老舊!在 Spring 體系中已經有許多不同的專案正在發布 Kotlin DSL。其中包括 Spring Framework、Spring Webflux、Spring Data、Spring Cloud Contract 和 Spring Cloud Gateway。現在,還有 Spring Security!
Spring Security 是一個很棒的專案 - 它解決了業界一些最困難的問題,並幫助人們保護他們的應用程式。而且,似乎這還不夠,它還堅定不移地決心讓安全性容易。如果您曾經在最早的版本中使用過 Spring Security,您就會知道它需要大量的 XML - 頁面! - 才能完成任何事情。這改進到 Spring Security 3 中的程度,您……