歡迎回到 2011 年最後一期的 Spring 每週要聞。 令人難以置信的是,我們已經做這件事一年了! 時間都去哪兒了? 正如他們所說的,當你玩得開心時,時間過得飛快……
一直以來,我們都希望這些摘要能讓開發人員更容易掌握 Spring 社群的脈動。 在 SpringSource 和 VMware 發布的公告和內容,以及社群撰寫的大量內容之間,總有一些有趣的事情正在發生。
雖然本週有很多有趣的內容,但我們將把通常的評論推遲到下週。 本週,我們將回顧 Spring 社群的 2011 年。
<lI> <B>Spring 3.1</B> Development of Spring 3.1 began in earnest in early 2010, and by SpringOne 2GX 2010 we already had an idea of what it was going to look like. By the beginning of this year, <a href ="http://www.springsource.org/node/3026">we already had milestones</a> to play with.
As the year progressed, we saw numerous new milestones, followed in short order by release candidates. The release candidates progressed and then, finally, a couple of weeks ago, we <a href = "http://www.springsource.org/node/3335">got Spring 3.1 GA</a>.